Kellas Midstream Assets Map

Kellas Midstream Assets Map

Select one of our assets for more information

The Central Area Transmission System

CATS North Sea Limited (wholly owned by Kellas Midstream)

Owners (equity):
Kellas Midstream Limited (98.9982%)
Harbour Energy (0.6630%)
ENI UK Limited (0.3388%)

Operating Partners:
Wood – CATS terminal and pipeline
Harbour Energy – CATS riser platform

Central North Sea

CATS is a natural gas transportation and processing system which transports gas from the Central North Sea to the CATS reception and processing terminal at Teesside in the North East of England.

CATS serves more than 30 producing fields in the North Sea, and in 2020 delivered almost 9 billion standard cubic metres of gas to UK markets.

The Esmond Transportation System

Kellas North Sea 2 Limited (wholly owned by Kellas Midstream)

Owners (equity):
Kellas Midstream (65%)
Neptune Energy (25%)
Harbour Energy (10%)

Operating Partner:
Perenco UK

Southern North Sea

ETS transports natural gas by pipeline from the Southern North Sea to the Perenco-operated Bacton terminal, located near Norfolk on the East coast of England.

ETS serves four fields – Cygnus, Trent (not currently producing), Kilmar & Garrow (collectively known as Tors (not currently producing), and the Cygnus field and delivers 5% of UK gas demand.

The Humber Gathering System

HGS Limited (wholly owned by Kellas Midstream)

Owners (equity):
Kellas Midstream (50%)
Dana Petroleum (50%)

Operating Partner:
ODE Asset Management

Southern North Sea

HGS transports natural gas by pipeline from the Tolmount field in the Southern North Sea to the Easington terminal in Yorkshire on the East coast of England. HGS commenced production in 2022.

HGS comprises a normally unmanned offshore platform, and gas export pipeline with nominal capacity of 300 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.


Kellas Midstream Limited

6th Floor, The Capitol
431 Union St
AB11 6DA

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 084520

Pipeline Emergency

To report a pipeline emergency please call +44 (0)1642 546404 and ask for the Operations team.